Saturday, April 3, 2010

To start with, I thought I would share a little about myself, and how I came to be a store owner at Zazzle.
My name is Jan, and I live in Australia.  I'm a true blue Aussie through and through, and love the wide open spaces of this beautiful country.  I work as an administrator in an educational setting, and in my spare time, I like nothing better than to get out and about with my camera.  Through my photography, I've developed skills in image manipulation and have also developed a love of designing graphics and creating fractals.  This has led me to research different ways that I can find a market for my designs, and this is how I discovered Zazzle.  My store Bluewren's Treasures now offers a large variety of original designs, and I am looking forward to it's continued growth over the years ahead.  These are some of my favourite items:

Hidden Zazzle Treasures

There are so many wonderful Zazzle Stores out there, and so many unique and wonderful designs.  Hidden Zazzle Treasures is my new blog to help promote the creativity of my fellow Zazzlers.  I hope you enjoy browsing through the great designs, which I plan to update regularly. 

If you would like to be featured here, drop me a line through my Zazzle store, Bluewren's Treasures.